Why You Should Turn New Opportunities Down To Grow Your Business
Argh I can’t believe I just turned that down. Did I do the right thing? If you find yourself asking these questions then let me reassure you: the answer is probably yes. Everybody loves to be offered money and exciting opportunities and the more you need the money the harder it is to turn down. Add in the social expectation of saying "yes" and many of us feel that we shouldn't turn offers down. But often saying no is the best thing to do. When you get offered opportunities you need to think about whether they are right for you and your business. If you want to grow a successful business you should only say yes if it's right for you.
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Saying "no" to new work opportunities can be the best thing for your business |
The Women In Business & Tech Expo London (And Why You Should Go To Conferences)
With a history of working in IT departments and jobs where the majority of my colleagues are male walking into the Women in Business and Tech Expo was an exciting experience. I’ve been to a number of IT conferences in my time and at every one the majority of delegates (and speakers) have been men. That wasn’t the case at Karren Brady’s 4th Women In Business & Tech event.
IN my 20s I went to events from large sales conferences to invite only Gartner management events. I was rarely approached by people wanting to talk to me. Networking sessions? I had to make the first step. What would a young female have that these older men might possibly be interested in (of a work nature). I was dismissed quickly based on my appearance.
Working in IT it’s not just the events which have an over representation of men. In most meetings at most companies I worked the meetings were male dominated. It wasn’t unusual for me to be the only woman in the room.
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A crowded keynote session listening to Karren Brady OBE |
How To Make Posts Go Viral And How To Benefit
Do you want your content to be more successful? Whether your goal is to help people, grow your customer base or generate ad revenue there are definite rewards when posts get seen by lots of people. High engagement and steady growth underpin success, but a viral post can give you a huge boost. When a post goes viral it is pushed out far beyond your normal audience and it is seen by hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. The challenge is: how do you make a post go viral? Lots of resources claim to have the formula for creating viral posts, but my approach might be a little different and it is achievable for everyone. Whether you want to be successful on Instagram, TikTok or Facebook the key elements of success are the same.
A viral post can bring a huge boost to your business, but how do you make viral posts that are beneficial? |
Book Recommendations To Change How You Think About Your Business
I have no doubt you are great at what you do, you have a voice and view of the world that only you can bring to your business, but you could be better. We can all be better. We can learn to work smarter, be happier and achieve our goals more successfully and the way to do this is to keep on improving ourselves. While there are endless courses, mentors and programmes we can follow an easy way to make a difference is reading. Can you fit in 15 minutes a day of reading something educational? It quickly adds up and over a month it's the equivalent to a whole working day, but what books should you read? These are some of the books I have read that have really made me think differently about my approach to work and my business.
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If you read for 15 minutes a day that adds up to a working days worth of learning a month |
Do Influencers Make People Feel Bad About Themselves?
I’ve seen a few posts recently which claim that “Influencers” sell a perfect life and this makes “normal” people feel bad in comparison. I understand that the reason for these posts is reminding people that what is shared online isn’t the whole story and that often only the best bits are shared. It can be true, but it seems unfair to blame Influencers.
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Do Influencers make people feel bad by just posting highlights? |
Bloggers, Do You Know Who You Are Working With?
I recently read a press release by a company looking for reviews and it set off alarm bells in my head. A quick bit of Googling and I discovered the company didn’t have the history it claimed and wasn’t located where they said they were. I don’t know if everything else was real, but it was enough red flags to stay clear. If influencers work with that company and share the information provided in good faith they would be misleading their audience. It might not be intentional, but they would still be misleading them.
How To Rediscover Your Love For Social Media
It is easy to lose heart with your social media. Sometimes you can put in hours and hours of effort and not feel like you are getting anywhere, or worse that you are going backwards. You might be losing followers, your engagement might be down, you might not be getting work or sales coming in. What do you do? How do you get your mojo back?
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It's normal to get disillusioned with social media, but you can start to enjoy them again |
How To Get Started on TikTok
If you are looking to reach a new audience then TikTok is a great social media platform to focus on right now. Find out why it is worth putting in the time to grow your TikTok and the tips you need to get you started.
3 Reasons to Focus on TikTok Right Now for Your Business
- Your posts can reach a large audience quickly even if you haven’t yet built a following.
- Posts don’t need to be perfect, in fact raw and simple content often does better.
- The platform has a huge user base of all ages and it is continuing to grow.
Discover The Keywords You Should Be Writing About
It is widely known that you need to optimise websites and blog posts for keywords, but the importance of choosing the right keyword is often overlooked. Your page can be optimised perfectly for a keyword, but it needs to be one that people are actually searching for and where the competition isn’t too high. So how do you decide what topics to post about and how do you choose the best keywords?
Think about what you write about, your niche, your main topics and start there. Think about what people might be searching for in those areas and make a list. Need help with ideas? That’s ok the internet can help, after all that’s where people are searching for the answers you want to provide.
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It's not just about optimising your posts, first you need to choose the right keywords |
Why You Should Diversify Your Blogging Income And How
Making a living as a blogger or influencer is a flexible and rewarding job, but the income often isn't reliable. How bloggers make the most money shifts over time and the opportunities for earning across social media platforms change. When it comes to being a blogger or influencer it is wise advice not to put all your eggs in one basket. You need to ensure that you are protected against changing circumstances.
Diversifying your blogging income can help make your earnings more reliable |
Should You Fake It Until You Make It On Social Media?
We all know that you shouldn’t believe everything you see on social media, but while it might be expected that people only post the most flattering photos and they might edit out a spot or two, it’s not just the images and caption that aren’t genuine. Fake engagement is common on Instagram and other social media platforms, but does that mean it’s ok?
Don't believe everything you see on social media, it is easy to fake everything including engagement |
Should You Hire A Social Media Manager?
Social media can be a great way to get your business or blog seen by a huge audience, but it can also take up a lot of time and doesn’t always lead to sales or work. If you find the time you spend on social media is taking over or that you aren’t getting the results you want then you should consider hiring a Social Media Manager. What is a Social Media Manager though and how can you ensure that they benefit your business?
The right Social Media Manager can hugely benefit your business |
10 Ways To Spot Fake Engagement on Instagram
There is no denying that people are hugely influenced by what they see on Instagram and there is an ever growing body of research evidencing that people make purchasing decisions based on what they see and hear on the app. Unsurprisingly influencer marketing continues to grow and it can be a successful strategy for businesses to increase sales. Unfortunately it's not uncommon for people to artificially increase their follower numbers and engagement to make them look more successful than they are. Working with "influencers" who fake engagement wont offer the expected return to brands and it is damaging to the reputation of other influencers and bloggers. This post gives ways to identify Instagram accounts who may be artificially increasing their engagement.
How Much Should You Charge To Publish A Guest Post On Your Blog?
There are a huge number of professional bloggers earning money through their blogs and with more people starting to monetise every day one of the questions asked a lot by bloggers is: how much should I charge? This post is a guide to how much you should charge for a sponsored post, guest post or link insert. It doesn’t cover brand work (which you should be paid more for), but rather work where you are being paid to place a link.
A Guide To How Much To Charge for Guest Posts and What To Consider
YouTube Shorts: Why You Should Be Creating Them Now
The YouTube Shorts feature was made available in the UK last year. YouTube’s answer to TikTok and Instagram Reels offers the chance to share and consume short videos in portrait mode. YouTube is putting a lot of money into trying to regain it’s crown as King of Video so it’s a great time to get over there and start producing content whether you are an wannabee influencer, business or professional blogger.
Understanding YouTube Shorts |
Why You Need To Know The Basics Of SEO
If you want people to find your content online then it is critical that is well optimised for SEO. You can use a plugin which will give you tips (Yoast is popular with Wordpress based bloggers), but it pays to have a basic understanding of SEO yourself. You can easily make some simple changes to your existing web content to make it more likely to be found when people search for topics you can help them with. How do you do this? There are a few tricks that help search engines understand what your content is about which are explained in this post.
Understanding a little bit about SEO can really improve your success in search results |
How To Get More People To Read Your Blog
You might love writing, but if you have chosen to publish a blog rather than a private online notebook there is a good chance you want people to actually read it. If you are checking your stats month after month and seeing hardly any visitors it is disheartening so how do you get more people to read your blog?
8 ways to get more people to read your blog post |
What Is DA and Should You Worry About Yours?
What Is DA?
DA stands for Domain Authority. It is a ranking metric created by Moz to give a quick way to assess the authority of a website and how well it is likely to do on search engines like Google. All websites have a DA, although it can take a while for new websites to get picked up. The DA of a website will be somewhere between 1 and 100, the higher the number the more authority a website can be considered to have.
You can check your DA for free on Moz |
7 Ways Bloggers Make Money
When I tell people "I'm a blogger" the most common question I am asked is “how do you make money through by blogging?”. The answer tends to be a little longer than most people are interested in, other than those interested in having a blog themselves, but fortunately for those wanting to earn through their blog there are lots of ways you can make money. While there is nothing wrong with having a “hobby blog” (a non-monetised blog you do just for enjoyment), most people will want to at a minimum cover their costs and many bloggers earn a good regular income. So how can you make money with a blog?
There are lots of ways you can earn money through your blog |